Topical Phaco Surgery (No Injection / No Eye patch surgery) – Highly trained and experienced surgeons for Topical Phacoemulsification surgery - more patient friendly and safer procedure.
Unifocal IOL – Premium quality Unifocal foldable preloaded IOLs by Alcon, Zeiss and Hoya
Toric IOL – Astigmatism and Cylindrical power correction by IOL
Multifocal / Trifocal IOLs – Freedom from spectacles after cataract surgery!
Highly trained and experienced surgeons who believe in providing best quality results.
Surgical options tailor made for the lifestyle needs of every patient – We believe in providing best quality of vision well suited for your requirements and needs according to your occupation and lifestyle.
Precise IOL Power calculation by advanced Diagnostic tools
Zeiss IOL Master 500 for precise IOL power calculation and reducing dependency on spectacles after cataract surgery.